The VP2s — Introducing 30 New Republic Venture Partners Fighting To Change the Status Quo

Cheryl Campos
22 min readJul 7, 2020

Meet the folks leading the way for lasting access & inclusion

2020 has been wrought with change — political, cultural, biological (+ murder hornets). We are fighting systemic racial injustices, economic downturns, and a virus that threatens a comeback in the U.S.

As the world has caught on fire, one thing remains clear — we need everyone’s collective brainpower more than ever to continue fighting for change.


At Republic, it is entrenched in our DNA to focus on democratizing access to founders and investors — to work with underestimated founders that have few options for funding. and the 97% of America that have been locked out of a valuable asset class. We launched our Republic Venture Partner program at the very beginning of this new era to bring our fiercest friends and allies into the fight. Yet our mission only became more relevant as the VC industry as a whole began to collectively have more honest discussions about topics we’ve been championing such as race and equity. This was not news to us, but it was about time to bring these inequities to light and take action.



Cheryl Campos
Cheryl Campos

Written by Cheryl Campos

Head of Venture @ Republic, investing in private startups. Learn more at & follow me on twitter @modelvc

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